I'm so glad that the world is finally discovering the delights of the 'urban turban' as reported in the press today. Why not give me a call to discuss commissioning your own beautiful and stylish turban.
Today, I visited a brilliant little exhibition of hats at London's Selfridges department store. 'Washed up' explores how the ocean and it's contents have influenced some of the most memorable designs in fashion history.
The exhibit includes gorgeous millinery pieces by artists such as Stephen Jones, Philip Treacy, Emma Yeo, Zara Gorman, Justin Smith Esquire and Alexander McQueen (to name a few) which are staged around displays of deadwood and coral.
Don't miss the absolutely awe inspiring exhibits of corals and the sad narrative around their destruction by those who want to own a piece of their beauty.
The exhibition really resonated with me personally as last year I based my summer collection on the beautiful and intricate oceanic drawings and watercolours of Professor Ernst Haeckel.
For more information about the exhibition, visit Selfridges.com
It was around about this time a few years ago that Isabella Blow, one of the fashions worlds most influential figures, sadly took her life. She will always be remembered for amazingly eccentric style, something which helped propel designers such as Philip Treacy to the top of their game.
Visit Style.com and Guardian.co.uk to see photo galleries of this style icon wearing some of the most spectacular millinery masterpieces ever created.
If you're looking for a headpiece for Newmarket Horse Races Ladies Day, why not get in touch? I have a stylish range of handmade fascinators and pillboxes that are just ideal for the occasion!
And remember, I'm always happy to discuss colour and fabric preferences to help you get the perfect look for your very special outfit!
"A hat is a flag, a shield, a bit of armour, and the badge of femininity. A hat is the difference between wearing clothes and wearing a costume; it's the difference between being dressed and being dressed up; it's the difference between looking adequate and looking your best. A hat is to be stylish in, to glow under, to flirt beneath, to make all others feel jealous over, and to make all men feel masculine about. A piece of magic is a hat". M. Sliter
"The hat is not for the street: it will never be democratized. But there are certain houses that one cannot enter without a hat. And one must always wear a hat when lunching with people whom one does not know well. One appears to one's best advantage." Coco Chanel
"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves, And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter." Jenny Joseph
"The hat I was married in, will it do? White, broad, fake flowers in a tiny array. It's old-fashioned, as stylish as a bedbug, but it suits to die in something nostalgic." Anne Sexton